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Backcountry PPG

Beginner Paramotor Training

Beginner Paramotor Training

Regular price $3,500.00 USD
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Training Dates

New To Paramotoring?
We Can Help!

This Video Outline's Everything You Need To Know:

Are you Prepared For The Most Fun 10-Days Of Your Entire Life? 

Learning to fly a paramotor will be one of the most joyful and memorable experiences you will ever have. The pure joy, freedom, and never-ending fun is something you don't get with anything else. For whatever reason, the shine doesn't wear off with this!

Prepare to smile so much it hurts, laugh so hard you cry, and tear up with joy after your first glorious flight. It's these moments that leave memories that last a lifetime and it's these moments, we're about to create together!


What Is PPG (Powered Paragliding)?

PPG, also known as paramotoring, is a form of ultralight aviation that doesn't require a license, aircraft annuals, or medicals. A paramotor is a lightweight aircraft that you strap onto your back that can be launched and landed in small areas like football fields. They are a very affordable aircraft to maintain, and cost around $10 per hour to fly. Parmaotors are also small enough to be packed into the trunk of your vehicle, so you don't need a truck, trailer, or hanger to own one. They weigh around 55-60 pounds before fuel and can fly for up to 4 hours on a full tank. They're capable of flying at speeds up to 50 mph and can climb to 18,000 feet. They're what we always dreamed of as kids, a small, lightweight, easy to get into, affordable to own, backpack aircraft. How cool is that?!

  • 3-4 hours of flight time
  • 25-35 mph cruising speed
  • 40-50 mph max speed
  • 55-60 pound aircraft
  • 300-pound pilots can easily fly them
  • 18,000 feet max altitude
  • No truck or trailer is needed for transport
  • Tandem capable

Paramotors are the most simple & affordable aircraft there is

How Training At Backcountry PPG Works:

We've spent over a decade (2012-2024) developing a step by step process that minimizes mistakes and maximizes learning. We've cut out anything that doesn't truly make a difference, and learned exactly how to walk students into the sky in the safest way possible. Our training program is designed to create safe pilots, who know where the edges are, know what the risk is, and more importantly know how to minimize the risk they take. 

Our training is very detailed and we've written everything out from A-Z to ensure we never miss a step or forget a critical piece of information. This structure is designed to ensure our students not only learn the information, but more importantly remember it when it matters. Upon leaving our class students are provided with our 103 page ground school manual that outlines everything they will need to know to continue to keep them safe. This way the learning doesn't end, and they don't forget everything they learned. 

We start slow, and add only one step at a time to not overwhelm you with information. Every step is clearly laid out, so you're never wondering what's next. As we build skills and improve technique, we add more and more pieces to the puzzle and before long, you're ready to take your first flight.

We take safety very serious and understand the importance of outlining what makes a safe pilot. We never leave you guessing and draw a line in the sand as to what is ok to do, and what is not ok to do. 

We hold our students to a very high standard, and work together to help build your skills and knowledge to ensure success in your years of joyful flying. We've learned what it takes to build the skills, know the process of helping you learn them, and are right there to help you from A-Z. It's our goal by the end of the course is that you can confidently and effortlessly fly on your own without a single ounce of help from us.

  • A clearly laid out step-by-step process from A-Z
  • Building block approach
  • Videos and visuals to help solidify what you're learning
  • Visually focused ground school that's detailed and easy to remember
  • Individual instruction that is at your own pace
  • A variety of instructors are there to help the entire time
  • Year round training with full time instructors
  • 60+ hours of personal hands on in the field instruction
  • 20+ hours of in person ground school instruction
  • And more

We currently train over 100 students every year

Training Details:

  • 10 days 
  • 6 students (strict)
  • Up to 3 instructors 
  • Year round training
  • Full time instructors
  • $600 Upfront discount towards equipment
  • No equipment purchase is required
  • Equipment use is provided in the training
  • Our instructors are certified USPPA instructors
  • Receive official USPPA PPG ratings (if requested)
  • Located in Salt Lake City, Utah (April-October)
  • Located in southern California (November-March)


582 happy students trained since 2012


Training Dates:

Salton Sea, California:
Jan 11-20 (FULL)
Mar 1-10 (FULL)

Salt Lake City, Utah 2025
May 3-12 (FULL)
May 17-26 (3 spots left)
June 14-23 (5 spots left)
Aug 23-1 
Sept 20-29 (5 spots left)
Oct 18-27 

Space is limited and fills up fast!


What You'll Learn During The Training:

  • FAA rules & regulations (FAR 103)
  • Understanding of airspace
  • Weather & forecasting
  • Risk management
  • Detailed engine maintenance 
  • Extensive ground handling (kiting)
  • Forward & Reverse launching techniques
  • Simulator practice
  • Power taxi 
  • Solo flights
  • In-flight emergency practice
  • Understanding of reserve parachutes
  • And loads more


Training Equipment (it's provided):

Included in the class, we provide all the equipment needed to complete the course. Students do not need to worry about bringing or buying anything before the class. We have a fleet of 8 state-of-the-art paramotors and a dozen wings for our students to choose from. Everything from helmets, radios, paramotors, wings, reserves, radios, and even the paramotor fuel is provided. 

  • Paramotors
  • Paragliders
  • Kiting harnesses
  • Kiting helmets
  • Flying helmets
  • Radios
  • Paramotor fuel
  • Paramotor oil
  • And more

We provide it all so you don't have to stress! Just sign up, show up and let's fly!



Training Location & Logistics:

During the spring summer and fall (April-October) our training is located just south of Salt Lake City, Utah at an airport called Cedar Valley Airport located in Eagle Mountain, Utah.

During the winter (November-March) our training is located in southern California located at the Salton Sea where the sun is shinning, weather is warm, and wind is good.

The training will run for about 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the evening with a break in the middle of the day. Usually, the morning training starts around 7:00 am and ends around 11:00 am. The evening session starts around 4:00 pm and ends around 8:00 pm.

  • Salt Lake City, Utah (April - October)
  • Salton Sea, California (November - March)
  • 7:00-11:00am morning training sessions
  • 4:00-8:00pm evening training sessions



Physical Requirements:

Our training program is a very physical and hands-on 10 days. You do not need to be in incredible shape to complete this training, but we do encourage our students to exercise leading up to the class. We have had 300+ pound pilots and 70+ year old pilots successfully complete our training!

  • 12 years old minimum age
  • 72 years old maximum age
  • 90 LBS minimum weight
  • 290 LBS maximum weight



Our Unique Building Block Approach:

One of the things that sets us apart is our unique building block approach to paramotor training. Over the last decade of teaching paramotoring, we've learned what really makes a difference in our student's progression. During our class, we do what truly makes a difference in helping our students be more skilled and knowledgeable paramotor pilots. This smooth process ensures that students leave training equipped with all the skills and knowledge they need when they leave class. We're not just "winging it," our team has a written guideline to ensure that no steps are skipped, no skills are forgotten, and students leave ready to soar through the sky.



Visually Focused Ground School:

Ground school is equally as important as hands-on instruction because it's what provides our students with the information they will use to make life-or-death decisions while flying. We've spent years working on our ground school to ensure students learn the information and most importantly retain that information when they need it most. Our ground school is very visually focused, meaning, we prioritize having photos and videos to support the ideas we are discussing. We've learned that this helps students retain the information presented far better than memorizing or sitting through long power points. Our in-person ground school is followed up with a 100+ page ground school book, a study guide reviewing the key information, and a copy of every ground school presentation we did during the class. We don't want to just tell you the information, we want you to learn it and remember it.

Here are some of the topics we will discuss during the ground school:

  • Weather - understanding what we are looking for and how to find it
  • FAR 103 - the rules we are required to follow 
  • Airspace - how to understand sectional maps & where we're allowed to be
  • Risk management - understanding of major risk points & how to avoid them
  • Reserves - How to use them & when to use them
  • And more



Firm Cutoffs:

Another main focus of our ground school that has made a huge difference for our students, is our very firm cutoffs for them to follow. When a student goes to make a choice while flying in the real world, they will lean into the information that their instructors have provided them to make that decision. It is important for instructors to draw very clear "lines in the sand" as to what is ok and not ok so there are no grey areas. In aviation, grey areas are where pilots make mistakes and can get hurt. We understand this and have worked hard to "draw those lines in the sand" for our students so they are never left guessing or wondering whether they're making a good choice or a bad choice. We take this very seriously because we know it can make a life-or-death difference for our students.



Extensive Kiting/Ground Handling:

Kiting, also referred to as ground handling is the single most important foundational skill of flying paragliders and paramotors. In the most basic sense, kiting is your ability to keep control of the glider no matter what the wing or wind is doing. This skill set is far more important than most people think, which is why we dedicate extensive amounts of time and energy to helping build your kiting skills. This skill set is often overlooked in paramotoring and seen as simply a means to the end. However, that is far from the truth. Over the last decade, we've learned that the better you are at controlling your glider on the ground, the easier flying will be and the safer flying will be.



Life Time Help, Guaranteed:

Our commitment to our students doesn't end on day 10. Our team of instructors is dedicated to continuing to instruct in person, over the phone, or via text until the end of time. Our instructors are to this day still helping students from nearly 10 years ago anytime they have questions. Once we're your instructor, we're always your instructor.



Radical Independence:

One of the biggest priorities of our training school is to ensure our students are independent paramotor pilots. It's our goal that by the end of the class, you don't need our help with hooking in, laying your wing out, starting your motor, launching, landing, and flying. We work hard to instill independence and confidence into our students starting on day 1.



Commitment to safety:

Our commitment to safety is above anything else, including money. Our job as instructors is to make sure that you have a safe learning environment. During this class, you will be relying on our team to make decisions on things that can put your life in danger. We take this very seriously and we refuse to ever put you in situations you shouldn't be, even if that means you never fly during the class. If we don't think it's safe for you to be in the sky, we will not do it, no matter what.



Training Experience:

Over the last 12 years (2012) we've been fortunate enough to dedicate our lives to this incredible sport. We've been honored to teach over 582 students and look forward to training 582 more! Our team of instructors has decades of combined experience with a wide range of backgrounds. Our passion for this incredible sport runs through our blood, and our team has all dedicated their life to this.

  • Started flying in 2012
  • Started teaching in 2014
  • Went full-time in 2018
  • Over 582 students and counting
  • USPPA certified



Contact Us:

Do not hesitate to reach out to us directly with any questions in regards to the training, scheduling, paramotors, packages, or general questions. Our team is available 7 days a week to help answer your questions (yes even on the weekends)!

Call or text - (801-599-1684)
Email -


How To Sign Up:

To officially register for our training program, add the class of your choice to the cart, proceed to checkout, and complete the checkout. Upon checking out you'll receive a personal email from our team outlining the class in more detail. This will include things like what to bring to the training, where exactly it will be, and the exact times of when it starts. 


Training Starts The Day You Sign Up:

Upon signing up, you will receive a few things that will help kickstart your paramotor training. This includes our 103-page ground school book. We encourage our students to read through and learn from our ground school book before coming to training. This isn't a requirement, but an enhancement of your training if you choose to do so. These lessons will help give you a basic understanding of paramotoring which will be helpful when you arrive at the class.


$600 Up Front Discount Towards Equipment:

As a thank you to our customers who are ready to go all in, we offer a $600 discount on equipment purchases made before the training class begins. This discount is included in the Adventure Package listed below. If you're serious about paramotoring, this is a huge discount on the total purchase.


Package Deals:

Introducing our new Adventure Paramotor Package. This package includes everything you will need for all your paramotor adventures. This package includes our 10-day beginner training program, the top-of-the-line MacFly paramotor, the Ozone Spyder 3 wing, and a slew of additional accessories. This package is everything a new paramotor pilot will need to begin their flying adventures. Most commonly purchased by students prior to the class.

We highly recommend the purchase of equipment prior to the training class. Having your equipment at the training allows our team of professionals to help you assemble, break-in, and adjust the equipment to you. This will give you confidence that the equipment is setup properly for when you return home. Having the equipment ready for you to fly the day after training, also means you can begin flying the day you get home. Like anything, the longer you wait to do it after learning, the more timid you may become. Being able to fly within days of returning home leads to higher overall success in flying paramotors. Having the equipment at the class also means you'll have the ability to fly your setup under supervised instruction from our team. Flying your stuff means you'll be nice and comfortable with it when you return home.

If you're not sure what setup to get, don't worry, we've made it easy! Over the last few years we've tested, tried, and purchased every setup out there to find the one that we think is the best. Based on hours and hours of testing, trying, and flying everything, the equipment we've choosen for the adventure package is what we've determined to be one of the best setups for new pilots getting into paramotoring. This package is not something you'll outgrow in a few hours, but instead something you'll be excited to fly for hundreds of hours.

Learn more here -> Adventure Paramotor Package


Here's What Our Students Have To Say:



Commonly Asked Questions:


What Is A Paramotor?

Paramotors are small unlicenced aircraft that can be flown in locations as small as a local soccer or football field. They are capable of flying up to 18,000 feet and can be packed down small enough to fit into a Prius! Yes, you don't even need a truck! These small but mighty aircraft can carry far more weight than you might think, and we regularly have 300+ pound pilots attending our training program with great success! 


How Safe Are Paramotors?

Although there are no official statistics, we've seen that paramotoring can be one of the safest forms of aviation out there. Safety is primarily determined by the pilot's judgment and ability to make smart choices with their flying. This goes for choosing good weather to fly in, choosing a safe way to fly, and overall making safe decisions. We are huge safety advocates because although we've dedicated our entire lives to this, we don't want to get hurt and we definitely don't want others to get hurt. One thing we preach about more than anything else is safety management and we work hand in hand with our students to help them learn about the potential risks they may face and how to safely navigate those. When done correctly, paramotoring is one of the safest and most fun forms of aviation there is!


Are Paramotors Only For Adrenaline Junkies?

Although it might seem like flying paramotors is a fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping sport, it's not. The majority of paramotor pilots are just out to take in the jaw-dropping views and enjoy the freedom of PPG.


Am I Too Old To Fly Paramotors?

Flying paramotors is not just for the young buck. The average paramotor pilot is in their 50's, and 60's. 


Is The Training Refundable?

Training with Backcountry PPG is not refundable before, during, or after the training. We are more than happy to move you classes free of charge, even last minute. 


Learn more about our training program by watching the following videos:




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