Video Guides
Here at Backcountry PPG one of our main focuses is on providing video content that helps the community. Our videos are focused on providing value, answering questions, and pointing people in the right direction. These videos are not a replacment for formal instruction but instead an enhancement. These videos are here to help you stay safe, improve, and have fun.
Practice This When You're New:
When you are newer pilot one of the more difficult things to do is landing. It's fast, it's scary, and when done correctly, it's a lot of fun. In this video we discuss some of the techniques we use at our school to help our students improve their landings, build confidence, and overall be a safer pilot.
Watch it here:
Never Press The Risers:
When you are new and learning the basic's of how to launch, you tend to make a lof of mistakes. This video outlines some of the common mistakes made when learning forward launch techniques.
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Canyon Flying Tips & Tricks:
One of the best parts about flying paramotors is soaring through canyons, valleys, and around mountains. There is a lot to know about canyon flying and in this video we outline a few things you should keep in mind.
Watch it here:
Stop Doing This:
This commonly made mistake has hurt more pilots then it ever should have. Don't do it.
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Motor Out Landing Practice:
Motor outs are a think all paramotor pilots will experience at some point. We believe practicing your motor off landings will help when you do have a real world motor out.
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Mountain Flying Guide:
Mountain flying can be very dangerous and it's important to learn a thing or two before you get yourself in trouble.
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How To Do A Good Forward Launch:
Forward launches are the most common way of launching a paramotor. There are a few tips and tricks that can make them eaiser.
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Here's Why You Should Never Push A Bad Launch:
Bad launches happen. It's important to recognize them early and not to try and push through the bad launch.
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Paramotor Rotor - How To "Sniff" It Out:
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How To Improve As A Paramotor Pilot:
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Do This And You Won't Get Hurt Flying Paramotors:
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How To Safely Control Oscillation:
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The Better Way To Land A Paramotor:
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Give Me Your Lunch Money!
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Why You Should ALWAYS Have A Reserve:
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